Fortis La Femme


About Us
Anaesthesiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Dental, Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery, ENT and Speech Therapy, Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, General and Minimal Access Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Obstetricsand Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, Spine Surgery , (Golden Spine Clinic), Urology,Accident and Emergency, AccupressureAcupuncture , (Laser)Cardiology, Child Development and Guidance, Critical care, Dermatology, Gastroenterology , and HepatologyMedical OncologyMedicineNephrologyNeurologyPediatrics and NeonatologyPhysiotherapy and Rehabilitation SciencesPsychiatryPsychotherapy and counsellingRespiratory Medicine

Company Profile
Anaesthesiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Dental, Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery, ENT and Speech Therapy, Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, General and Minimal Access Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Obstetricsand Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, Spine Surgery , (Golden Spine Clinic), Urology,Accident and Emergency, AccupressureAcupuncture , (Laser)Cardiology, Child Development and Guidance, Critical care, Dermatology, Gastroenterology , and HepatologyMedical OncologyMedicineNephrologyNeurologyPediatrics and NeonatologyPhysiotherapy and Rehabilitation SciencesPsychiatryPsychotherapy and counsellingRespiratory Medicine
Business Type : Hospital
MANUFACTURES : Clinical Pathology, Microbiology ,Blood Bank, Emergency and TraumaBlood BankPharmacyAmbulanceDialysisImaging Services
Products Supplier, Trader and Manufacturer : Anaesthesiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Dental, Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery, ENT and Speech Therapy, Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, General and Minimal Access Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Obstetricsand Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, Spine Surgery , (Golden Spine Clinic), Urology,Accident and Emergency, AccupressureAcupuncture , (Laser)Cardiology, Child Development and Guidance, Critical care, Dermatology, Gastroenterology , and HepatologyMedical OncologyMedicineNephrologyNeurologyPediatrics and NeonatologyPhysiotherapy and Rehabilitation SciencesPsychiatryPsychotherapy and counsellingRespiratory Medicine
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Address 2 Institutional Area, Sector-III, Rohini North Delhi - 110085, Delhi,
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